Looking Back, Looking Forward

Another new year is almost upon us. We all love the idea of a clean slate; the new year stretches ahead, full of possibilities! It usually doesn't take long for us to become disillusioned. Between COVID, natural disasters and political unrest, 2021 was not an unqualified success but I think it is important to reflect back on the year as a whole. What went well? What went badly? What could you have done differently that might have affected the outcome? How might your actions have affected others-for good or for ill? A little self-reflection is a valuable thing.

The tradition of self reflection at the year's turn goes back a long way! From the ancient Babylonians, 4000 years ago, to the Romans to the Victorians. From making promises to gods, the practice has evolved into making promises to ourselves to improve and wipe the slate clean. Statistics show that 40% of people in the United States make New Year Resolutions and 80% of them break them by the first week of February!

According to British historian and television presenter, James Burke, in his series "Connections", nothing happens in isolation. Each world-changing event comes from a series of smaller events. We may like to think that what we do only affects our own lives but that is not true at all!  Everything we do has a ripple effect, from cutting someone off in traffic, to refusing to follow a mask mandate, from smiling at a stranger, to a casual act of kindness. Bad or good, our actions may have a lasting effect of other people. 

As the new year begins, I am full of plans: for my business, for travel and, yes, plans to lose weight. If 2021 taught me anything, it was that things don't always go according to plan, but 2022 is a new year and hope springs eternal ☺


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