Taking command...getting your camera off of "Full Auto"

When I am photographing weddings and other events, there is often a guest (usually male) who looks at my camera with envy and says, "That's a nice camera, I bet it takes good pictures!" The inference of the remark, of course, is that it is the camera that makes the pictures, rather than the skilled eye of the photographer. I usually make a joke of it and say, "Yes, and I know how to use it!" Like most things in life, it takes hard work and practice to take good pictures with a camera. The bar is pretty low in these days of online viewing and social media. Consequently, photographers don't get much respect; everyone carries a smartphone in their pocket that takes pictures and many people use nothing else. 

Advertising reinforces the idea that you just need the right equipment to be an awesome photographer. Even professionals are not immune from "Gear Acquisition Syndrome".  The truth of the matter is that nothing is that simple; while a great camera in the right hands will take amazing photographs, in the hands of the average person, it will probably take pretty bad ones.  In fact, I'd go so far as to say, a good photographer can take good pictures with any camera!

Almost every camera, including your cell phone, comes with a "Full Auto" setting. So why not let the camera do all the work and make the decisions?  Well, if you are taking pictures in perfect conditions-plenty of light, maybe outdoors on a cloudy day, you will probably get some nice, if boring, pictures. The problems arise conditions are less than perfect. (Despite the commercials, no cell phone can really handle a back-lit subject.)

This is not the place for discussing of Depth of Field and off-camera flash  If you want to learn how to take better, more interesting pictures, there are lots of online courses available for purchase. You can also find beginner classes at your local community center or college. Put in the time to learn how to use the settings on your camera.  Have you ever taken a picture of a beautiful landscape, only to find that your picture looks...ordinary?  A picture needs a subject, a reason for existing. With practice you will learn how to see an interesting composition. Experiment and try different techniques. Whether you are a weekend birder or a mom taking pictures of her children, the biggest advantage of Digital photography for the newbie is the ability to take almost unlimited pictures and only print the ones you like! So be brave, take the camera off of automatic and take command of your photography. And don't forget to have fun!!


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