More than a headshot-what is personal branding?

Some months ago, I wrote a blog about why a professional headshot is a great investment for your business. I'd like to take that one step further and talk about personal branding. So what is the difference between a headshot session and a personal branding session? A headshot is usually a single picture, head and shoulders, which you will use on a business card or Facebook page as your profile image. You can have more than one picture, to add variety to your LinkedIn and Instagram pages, for example but a headshot is just that, a shot of your head. I see so many business profile pictures that have clearly been taken with a cell phone, backed up close to a wall somewhere. The lighting is bad, the body distorted and there are distinct drop shadows. They don't say much about the business person except that they don't place much importance on their image. A professional headshot is the first step to presenting a professional image to your clients. 

Personal/Business Branding takes the process further and presents an image of your business as well. A shop owner might be pictured in their shop, a restaurant owner or chef, in their restaurant or kitchen, a judge in their chambers. People do business with those they know, like, and trust. Branding is part of that "getting to know you" process. Of course, the pictures will be staged, well lit and attractive. The kitchen will be clean and orderly and the desk will be free of clutter. The impression is of a competent person who has their business under control. Body language is important too. Looking at the camera, leaning forward a little, indicates engagement and interest in the client, whereas leaning back or crossed arms are signals of being closed off, disengaged. There's a difference between a relaxed pose and a disengaged one. Your photographer should know how to put you at ease and pose you for the image you want to portray.

If you have a brick and mortar location, Branding can also include pictures of your business. It shows the outside of the shop as well as the inside. These pictures are a must on your website or Facebook page. For better or worse, there is a "try before you buy" mentality today. Attractive images of your business may help to draw a customer into your business. At the very least it will help them find your store on a street full of stores!

Any business can benefit from good photography on their web site.  While a large company may have the resources to employ specialists to manage their "image", a small business must manage their own.  For an entrepreneur or small business owner, who we are and what we do are two sides of the same coin. A small investment in a branding session can reap big returns.



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