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Uncharted Waters Publish on Sept 18

The planning is almost over. For nearly nine months, our vacation in New Zealand has been coming together. Now the bags are packed, camera gear chosen and we leave tomorrow for Queenstown, New Zealand, via Chicago, San Francisco and Auckland. It's the longest I have ever travelled to get somewhere and the Air New Zealand flight from San Francisco to Auckland will be my longest ever flight. I have never been good at sleeping on planes so, with a 13 hour flight and a skipped day as we cross the International Dateline, I am dipping my toes into uncharted waters! There are the logistics of leaving everyday life for three weeks, of course. How to take enough clothes (we will have to wash), scheduling bill payments and handing off responsibilities.  Both Rick and I have a number of self imposed responsibilities; I have produced Kenosha Women's Network's October newsletter ahead of schedule for someone else to send out and updated their web site.  The Senior Center, where Rick vol

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