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When the snow flies

 We leave for the West Coast in a week's time.  It has been a boring winter so far, cold but missing out on the snow storms for the most part. I am looking forward to visiting the family out in Portland and hoping to enjoy some milder weather. So hearing the weather forecast for the next few days is making me a little anxious. Snowmageddon is coming to the Wisconsin/Illinois line, beginning tomorrow!  The various weather sources predict between 4 and 9 inches, depending on who you listen to. Whenever bad weather is forecast there's an element of "the sky is falling" to the predictions; despite the panic, the end result will be somewhere in the middle. As we learned from the Covid-19 pandemic, some things are outside our control. We can leave home in plenty of time for an appointment and run into traffic problems or an accident. Both Rick and I are planners; I always allow extra time when I go somewhere new, in case I get lost, so I am often embarrassingly early for ap...

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